At this point I've lost track of the number of talks I have given at conferences. Below are a few of the talks I have done at conferences, or for radio interviews.
ISSA International Conference, 2011
(Baltimore, Maryland)
(Slides - 36K PDF)Cyberwar in the age of Total War - a talk about cyberwar and the moral issues it raises from a perspective of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions. IANetsec Forum, 2006
(Tyson's Corner)This was an improvised dinner address, delivered without powerpoints and after a few too many bottles of beer. I must make an apology and correction to this talk - I mentioned James Buchanan Eads as the architect of the Golden Gate Bridge, which was wrong. I had Eads, who designed the Mississippi bridge confused with Joseph Strauss, who designed the Golden Gate.
The objective of this talk was to take the high ground with respect to treating computing as an engineering discipline, instead of the kettle of kludges that it has become. I realize it's very very idealistic stuff.
BlackHat Briefings, 1998
(Las Vegas)In this keynote talk, I advocate scrapping our entire installed base of application software, and starting over - with the premise that we blame it on Y2K. BlackHat Briefings, 2000
(Las Vegas)The "Script Kiddies Suck" talk, in which I take on full-disclosure, marketing through vulnerability release, and security practitioners who want to play on both sides of the fence. The Internet Security Conference, 2000 (Part 1) (Part 2)
(Marcus Gets a Clue)Fred Avolio presents me with TISC's "Clue" award for achievement and tells some stories about when I was a clueless young system administrator..
Marcus' keynote takes on issues of free speech and full disclosure. Predictions about the good guys' taking the battle to the enemy. (I was wrong, obviously...) "stop hiring hackers."Stardust Talk Radio, 2000
(Interview with Scott Mace)"Things are getting worse" - some discussion of the trend toward releasing attack tools and the end effect of shovelware. This talk is one of the first where I recall attempting to outline the corollaries between hacking and terrorism.