Film (Still) Kicks Ass

This is not one of those snotty "you can't do fine art with digital" rants, I promise. I'm sure we've all seen enough of those. I remember there was one guy on PhotoSIG who critiqued one of my photos as follows:

"This is pretty nice; why did you shoot it with digital instead of film?"

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      (ascii art, 2 pixel font, circa 1985) 

I looked at his other critiques and realized that he had been going through and down-rating anything that was shot digitally compared to things shot on film. So I posted a scan of a print (Shot with a Hasselblad 500c, 150mm Zeiss lens, Tmax 100 film, printed on Ilford MG FB paper, toned in gold) as having been shot on my FinePix S2 Pro. Mister film-nazi was back a few days later and swallowed the bait. Loser!

When you shoot 6x6cm Tmax negatives, print them as 11"x11" silver-gel fine art, scan them, correct them in photoshop, and down-sample them to 900 pixels by 900 pixels you have thrown away virtually all the resolution you could have had in the image. Even our eagle-eyed buddy on PhotoSIG couldn't tell the difference between 900 pixel by 900 pixel digital or 900 pixel by 900 pixel film. Nobody can, at that resolution.

I do almost all my work these days digitally. I love photoshop. Now, let me tell you why film still kicks digital photography's ass:

Notice I didn't say anything about resolution or output. Epson has pretty much answered the question of whether you can make an archival fine-quality print digitally at a reasonable price. My Stylus 2200Pro cost significantly less than my medium format enlarger, easel, sinks, etc. The ink is less than silver-gel paper and significantly less than the platinum/palladium media I've played with. And it's less toxic and takes up less space. My Polaroid Sprintscan medium format scanner can produce images of processor-crushing size and quality, and my FinePix S2 Pro 6MP images are clear and sharp enough to print at "good enough" resolution up to 8x10" with no flaws. So what's the problem?

Technological Stability

(monochrome bitmap, circa 1987)

The problem is that I've been a computer system administrator in one form or another since 1985. I've been the paving that technology marches on, in other words. The first hard disk I bought at my first big sysadmin job held 400 Megabytes and cost $29,000. It weighed 200lbs and was 4 feet long on one side. Today you can buy a terabyte - 2.5million times as much space - for $900, and can actually lose it if your office is as messy as mine. You couldn't lose a Fujitsu Eagle 400 meg disk because most computer geeks were too wimpy to move it. So, in 20 years I've seen a 2.5 million-fold increase in storage capacity, without even factoring in cost adjustment. ($29,000 would buy you almost 150 terabytes today) The first laser printer I used was an Imagen thermal laser system that was 100 dpi. It cost a fortune. My Epson Stylus 2200 Pro has nearly 50 times the resolution and costs less than the electricity the Imagen consumed each year. My first computer had 4 kilobytes of RAM, and a display with less resolution than your typical cellular telephone and cost the same amount as my 1.Ghz machine with 1 gig of RAM in it. If past trends are even approximate indicators of the future, in 20 years you will:

Do you see where I am going with this?

That 16-megapixel digital image you've just spent so much work acquiring is going to look really crappy compared to what the kid next door will be snapping with the camera built into his eyebug "cell phone" (a measly little 100 megapixel bio-mechanical lensed camera). You know how we look at the pictures today that were shot during the civil war? That's how we'll feel about today's digital photos. "Cute!" people will snicker, "you can see the pixels when you turn your eyebug on Zoom mode! And it's completely flat in the infrared spectrum! Nyuk, Nyuk!" We understand that old photos look "quaint" because the emulsion was hand-coated on optically imperfect plates, etc, etc. Remember this important thing about quality:

Quality can only go downhill

In 2020AD, I will take my old 6x6cm negatives out of their sleeves, dust them off, and stick them into the molecular scanner and have a nice 837727626 x 237362326 pixel 1024-bit color image to work with. I can take one of my old archival silver-gel prints and scan it on my Epson Pro1083782 scanner and have a grain-level scan of the print, if I want it. My photos shot with the FinePix I am using today will still be 6 MP in 2020AD and they will never get better than that. They can't.

(3240 DPI scan of "photo quality" "fine art" print done on a high-end 600-lpi commercial press, 2004)

In 2020AD if I do a molecular-level scan of a print from my Epson 2200, I'll have a scan of these huge blobs of ink, zoomed to the point where you can clearly see the jaggies along the edges of each line, where today's crude anti-aliasing technologies tried to simulate a sharp edge by taking advantage of the poor optical systems built into 21st century un-enhanced humans. How quaint! Do you remember "ASCII art"?? In 2020AD today's "fine art" digital prints are going to look like ASCII art compared to basic desktop imaging of the future. When I was a teen-ager I remember I actually got turned on by ascii art porn - we didn't have bitmapped displays, then. Then I remember black-and-white bitmaps on the early MacIntosh computers. And color (256 colors! WOW! A big improvement over 16!) in 1987. Nobody is saying "are we there, yet?" when it comes to computer technology.

Maybe you've already experienced when the march of technology ruins an image for you. I did a series of photos a few years ago that came out really well. In fact, they may be my best work. Unfortunately, I gave the model the negatives, then lost contact with her. All I have ot those photos are a few 455 pixel by 473 pixel 80% quality Jpegs. Before you say, "Marcus, you should have scanned them at higher resolution" you need to understand that was "high resolution" for 1990. I've had people contact me about licensing one of the photos for an advertisement - nope. "Sorry. I cannot make a high-quality version of that photo anymore. It has been destroyed by the future."

If you care about the future, think about future-proofing your technology of choice


(32-color, Circa 1990)

Historically, storage has not been particularly future-poof. A few years ago my parents gave me an old shoe box that I opened and immediately recognized. It was full of punched paper tape rolls. They were my first computer programs, written in the 1970's before magnetic media got cost effective. Suppose I wanted to read those paper tapes? The Computer Museum in Boston might have a working ASR100 terminal but I don't think it would be easy to get the data off them. Fast forward a few years: my second computer had a 16 kilobyte floppy drive that was formatted in a filesystem layout unique to a company called "Ohio Scientific" that went out of business by 1980. It's a good thing I don't have my priceless works of art on those disks (as if they would fit). How long do you think your IDE Firewire disk is going to be readable? In 10 years you might be able to use it as a door-stopper but unless you remember to get your precious images off of it, it'll be unreadable.

I'm future-proofing my storage by putting a lot of my stuff up on the web. Effectively, I've made storage future-proofing a problem for my web hosting service. I keep a backup and I make a point of rolling my archives forward to new media periodically. I have been keeping my archives on new media pretty religiously since 1988 - as you can imagine, everything I wrote, did, and every Email I got, prior to 1995 fits into a tiny little corner of a 250gig firewire disk. Networks are a huge help for this process, because they get you around the problem of finding a compatible copy interface. But if you snooze too long, that can bite you as well. My old PC from 1995 (I threw it away 2 years ago) had a BNC "thin ethernet" connector. Sure, it ran TCP/IP and if I could get it on the network I could FTP the files someplace - but I'd need a network running on "thin ethernet" or another computer with an EISA bus slot and a working adapter. Think about this for a minute: the longer you wait to get your data stored on something future-safe, the less likely it is that you'll succeed.

Let's not even talk at length about file formats or compression, OK? In 10 years will you need to find an antique computer to load Photoshop onto so you can convert your Jpegs into Zpeg-2020s? Since you'll be using antique hardware (because Photoshop 7 won't run on an Intel-Kyocera-Microsoft TerEntium 14Thz Processor) it'll take forever.

My negatives sit quietly in their archival sleeves, loosely organized into 16 binders that occupy about 5 lineal feet of shelf space in my library. In 2020AD my negatives will (still) kick ass.


Loss is another factor. This one really hit home for me when I had my laptop stolen (as part of Chicago O'Hare's new homeland security initiative) a few years ago. On my laptop were the only copies of a shoot I had just completed. Some of the photos were quite nice. They were all digital, and, unfortunately, I hadn't had a chance to copy them to my backup server when the laptop was stolen. OOps. Poof!

Of course you can lose a negative. In fact, because of their nature, negatives are really hard to back up. I had one negative that I really liked fall on the floor of the darkroom and get stepped on. OOps. Poof! But digital media is much easier to lose than film. Fortunately, this didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine (a digital photographer) once set up a very sophisticated home digital darkroom - and lost all his work as a result. He built this very cool local-area storage server Linux-based RAID array, that automatically backed itself up remotely to another machine over the Internet. It was foolproof! So he copied all his photos to the storage server and whenever he shot more pictures he just loaded them onto the storage server and they automatically backed up over the Internet to the remote storage server and everything was good. Until one day the storage server suffered a nasty bug in his backup script that caused it to "clean up" all of his files. Unfortunately, the next day the storage backup script went and automatically replicated the newly empty server to the backup server - deleting everything in about 10 seconds. Fortunately, he didn't lose everything because he had bits and pieces of his data scattered around in other places. But it was a major disaster. My film negatives, sitting quietly in their sleeves, don't need system administration - they just need to be protected from fire and moisture. I suppose I could put the best of them in a safe deposit box; you can fit a lot of negatives into a safe deposit box.

Film (Still) Kicks Ass

(455x473 16,777,216-color jpeg: today)
This is the highest-resolution scan I have of this image; it's as good as it'll ever get because I lost the negative.

As soon as renovations on our 1850's farm house are completed, our builder is going to start re-purposing the old concrete block milk-house attached to our barn into a nice modern darkroom. I look forward to enjoying the best of both worlds, again. As I search for the chance to create some timeless art, I will use timeless technology. When I want to produce quick and easy pleasing photos for the pleasure of producing something immediate, I will use digital technology. I love digital, but I love film more. Film still kicks ass.

Gate B82, Köln/Bonn airport, Germany Jan 30, 2005